Jual Pompa Kundea KT4

Jual Pompa Kundea KT4 High suction and the max. Viscosity up to 45000 cps for liquid conveying. Extra temperature insulation units are optional.

The shaft bearing is completely separated from liquid conveying systems.
Mechanical seal, oil seal or telfon cotton yarn units are available for customers.


For pumping various kinds of syrup, sauce, jam, milk, beverages, lubricants, heavy oil, asphalt, acetone, glue, benzene, plastic resin, synthetic resin, DOP, coating, ceramic paint, paint, etc.

Specification Of Jual Pompa Kundea KT4 :

  • Bore : 1.5 Inch
  • Rev. Speed : 500 rpm
  • Pressure 2 kg/cm2
    Water capacity : 115 l/min
    Power : 2 HP
  • Pressure 5 kg/cm2
    Water capacity : 100 l/min
    Power : 5 HP
Jual Pompa Kundea KT4

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