Vacuum Pump KWV 5 Kundea

Vacuum Pump KWV 5 Kundea uses to water vapor or eroded gas, it can enhance its performance. Since it uses water cycle vacuum instead of oil, it can eliminate dust, vapor and adequated water pressure ( 0.8 kg-1 kg ) as well as preventing horse power increased because of excessive water.


  • Model : KWV 5
  • Power : 5 HP
  • Rev. Speed : 1750 RPM
  • Pumping Speed ( m3/min ) :
    – 720 mmHg ( 40 torr ) : 1.35 Vacuum Pump KWV-5 Kundea
    – 695 mmHg ( 65 torr ) : 1.68
    – 670 mmHg ( 90 torr ) : 1.65
    – 650 mmHg ( 110 torr ) : 1.64
  • Inlet Orifice ( inch PT ) : 2
  • Outlet Orifice ( inch PT ) : 0.5
  • Liquid Sealing : 18 l/min
Vacuum Pump KWV-5 Kundea

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