Process Pump Standart PC

Process Pump Standart PC use for handled liquids Domestic and industrial waste water, raw sewage, viscous and corrosive liquids, liquids with fibrous and solid substances.

Process Pump Standart PC


  • Horizontal/Vertical, wide volute casing, single stage, end suction, centrifugal pumps with enclosed, semi open or vortex type impeller.
  • 18 basic sizes covering wide range of operational area.
  • Due to the back-pull-out design, the complete bearing assembly including impeller and casing cover can be dismantled without removing the volute casing from the pipe system.
  • All impellers are balanced dynamically or statically according to ISO 1940 class 6.3.
  • Axial thrust is balanced by impeller back ribs
  • Direction of rotation is clockwise viewed from drive end.
  • Bearing of PC type pumps are “life time grease lubricated” ball bearing up to 150-315 size. 


  • Discharge Flange : DN 40….DN 300 mm
  • Capacity : Up to 1600 m3/h
  • Head : Up to 95 m
  • Speed : Up to 2900 rpm
  • Operating Temperature : -100C up to +1100C
  • Casing Pressure ( Pmax ) : 10 bar ( 16 bar )


  • Cast iron, ductile cast iron, stainless steel, duplex or bronze.

Shaft Sealing

  • Soft packing seal or mechanical seal.


  • Direction of rotation is clockwise viewed from drive end.


  • EN ISO 9905, CE, ATEX, GOST-R


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