Semi Jet Pump Nocchi JT100 Auto

Semi Jet Pump Nocchi JT100 Auto Series self priming pumps combines the functional benefits of centrifugal pumps and the practical benefits of self-priming pumps. The Venturi system the pumps are fitted with guarantees optimum hydraulic efficiency and considerable pressure capacity.

Application Of Semi Jet Pump Nocchi JT100 Auto :

  • Pumping and distribution of water in domestic systems used on a continuous or intermittent basis
  • Booster systems
  • Washing systems, garden irrigation, fountains
  • Pumping from wells or tanks
  NJ100 & JT100
Output 100 W
Volt 220 V
Max Suction 11 M
Max Thrust 37 M
NJ100 &
Liter/Minute 40 30 20 10
Total Head (M) 12 18 24 32
Semi Jet Pump Nocchi JT100 Auto

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