Centrifugal Pump MCKARLEN MT

Centrifugal Pump MCKARLEN MT are designed for Residential, liquid transfer and circulation of liquids within light industry and farming.

Provides steady, quiet, vibration free. Reliable high pressure sealing with easy disassembly for maintenance or repair. Easy for Installation.

Pressure boosting in single pump and multi-pump booster systems, Water supply, RO, Washing systems, Irrigation Garden sprinkle, Industrial cleaning, etc.

Pump liquids

  • Thin, clean, non aggressive and non-explosive liquids without solid particles or fibres.
  • Max. Liquid Temp : 500C
  • Max. Ambient Temp : +550C
  • pH Range : 6-8
  • Close couple IP55/54 protection design.



Centrifugal Pump MCKARLEN MT

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