Air Compressor SWAN DR-175-22L have been helping clients meet their quality and production objectives for many years. The excellent quality, reasonable price and advanced manufacturing capability keep us outstanding in the market.
Through advanced design and precision engineering. Air Compressor SWAN DR-175-22L offers a high performance oilless compressor that meets all your criteria for oil free air now and in the future.
- Pure, oil free air for environmental concerns.
- The best solution for quality compressed air
- Low maintenance and less operational costs
- Various options for different applications.
- Motor : 1 Hp
- Working Pressure : 7 Kg/Cm2
- Compressed Speed : 1450 Rpm
- Displacement : 120 l/min
- Tank Capacity : 22 Liter
- Dimension : 61 x 30 x 60 cm
- Weight : 27 Kg