Chain Saw STIHL MS 230 With more power than the MS 211 and the same features as the MS 250, this occasional use chainsaw can definitely hold its own. With a high power-to-weight ratio for maximum performance and an ergonomic design, the MS 230 is built for a variety of purposes like trimming trees or cutting firewood.
Specification Product :
- Mesin : 2 Tak
- Isi Silinder : 45.4 cc
- Kekuatan Mesin : 2.0 kW ( 2.7 bhp )
- Sistem Pengapian : Elektronik
- Kapasitas Tangkai Oli Rantai : 0.20 L
- Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar : 0.47 L
- Bahan Bakar : Bensin campur Oli 2T
- Perbandingan Campuran Oli 2 Tak STIHL : 1L Oli : 50L Bensin
- Berat Mesin tanpa Bar dan Rantai : 4.6 kg
- Panjang Bar : 12 inch ( 30 cm ), 14 inch ( 35 cm ), 16 inch ( 40 cm )
- Kecepatan Maksimum Mesin dengan Bar dan Rantai : 14.000 rpm