Mesin Fogging Igeba TF35

Mesin Fogging Igeba TF35 generator has been the first choice for more than 25 years.  When we set out with the firm intention or producing the best equipment on the market there were no limits imposed by an existing ranges of models.

This unit has been designed for use with insecticides acticides, fungicides and disinfectants! Light weight for convenient use in areas where poor roads and tracks make it difficult to handle heavy equipment. he only mass produced unit with a covered air intake valve, providing a silencer effect and protection against and solution particles.

  • Petrol tank made from stainless steel
  • Fog tube made from stainless steel
  • Formulation tank made from stainless steel
  • Air pump made from stainless steel
  • Reliable ignition system without spark plug

All other getting in contact with the chemical aremade from brass, viton and teflon

Emergencycut-off device for solution available upon request.


Technical Specification Of Mesin Fogging Igeba TF35:

  • Weight in kg, empty but ready for use : 7.9
  • Dimensions L x W x H in cm : 137.5 x 27 x 34
  • Solution tank capacity in L : Standard ( 5.7 ) Option ( 10 )
  • Fuel consumption, approx. in l/h : 2.0
  • Performance of combustion chamber in KW/HP :18.7/25.4
  • Maximum flow rate, approx in l/h : 42
  • Effective horizontal reach, indoors, aaprox. in m : water based withcarrier, i.e NEBOL ( 40 ); Oil based (>100)
  • Power supply flashlight batteries : 4 x 15 V LR20 (LR6 option )

Considering the maximum flow rate, an operator can treat at a flow rate of 1 litre/2.500 m3 up to 105.00 m3/h or 3.708.000 ft3/h.

TF 35 applies oil based formulation with the standard fog tube. A special “W” fog tube is available for the application of water based formulation.



Mesin Fogging Igeba TF35

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