Multi Gas Detector ORION®

The ORION Multi-Gas Detector has everything you need in a portable monitor for the detection of 02, H2S, CO and com-bustible gases. It is easy to use, reliable and built to withstand the roughest handling. ORION is available either with an alkaline module or rechargeable NiMH module. It is delivered with battery charger. Internal pump and datalogging are optional.

ATEX II 2G EEx ia d IIC T3/T4
MED 96/98/EC
EN 50014-20, EN 50104, EN 61779, EN 50271

10036133 ORION Pump Ex, Ox, CO, H2S, NiMH
10036095 ORION Ex, Ox, CO, NiMH
10036135 ORION Pump Ex, Ox, CO, NiMH
10036096 ORION Ex, Ox, H2S, NiMH
10036134 ORION Pump Ex, Ox, H2S, NiMH
10036132 ORION Pump Ex, Ox, CO, H2S, Alkaline
10036092 ORION Ex, Ox, CO, Alkaline
10036131 ORION Pump Ex, Ox, CO, Alkaline
10036093 ORION Ex, Ox, H2S, Alkaline
10036130 ORION Pump Ex, Ox, H2S, Alkaline
Leaflet 08-169.2 GB

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