Multi Gas Detector Tankscope II

The Tankscope II with its new IR hydrocarbon sensor is specially designed for tankers with inert gas systems. It can also be used for pre-entry checks and as a personal monitor for maintenance [ cleaning/inspection /repair] work in the tank. Based on the successful design of the ORIONplus the Tankscope II is easy to handle, simple to use and comes with a detailed graphic user interface that clearly displays all required information. Tankscope II is delivered with rubber boot and shoulder strap.

ATEX II 2G EEx ia d IIC T4/T3
MED 96/98/EC
EN 50014-20, EN 50104, EN 61779, EN 50271

10063901 Tankscope II, IR, HC, Butane, O2, NiMH
10063902 Tankscope II, IR, HC, Propane, O2, NiMH
10063903 Tankscope II, IR, HC, Butane, NiMH
10063904 Tankscope II, IR, HC, Propane, NiMH
Leaflet 08-172.2 GB

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