Pompa Nocchi Swimmey 15,19

Pompa Nocchi Swimmey 15,19  have been designed to achieved maximum operational reliability in filtering and recirculating water treated with chlorine.

Application Pompa Nocchi Swimmey 15,19 :

  • Recirculation and filtration of water for swimming pools, spas and bathing pools
  Swimmey 15 Swimmey 19
Output 3/4 HP 1 HP
Volt 220 V 220 V
Max Suction Power 6 M 6 M
Max Thurst 15 M 19 M
Liter/Minute 200 150 100
Total Head (M) 4.5 8.5 11
Liter/Minute 300 200 150
Total Head (M) 1.5 10 13
Pompa Nocchi Swimmey 15,19

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