Portable Fuel Pump KIT Digital SHM


Portable Fuel Pump KIT Digital SHM can be used for Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Methanol, Lubricating Oil, Engine Oil.


  • Flow Range : 10-120 L/min
  • Power Supply : 220 VAC/ 12 VDC/ 24 VDC
  • Pressure : 1.8 Mpa
  • Pump Turn Speed : 550 W, 2800 rpm
  • Inlet/ Outlet : BSP 1″/ BSP 1″
  • Working Temperature : (-25) – 55c
  • Relative Humidity : 30 -90%
  • Fuel Meter : Digital
  • Suction Hose : 2m
  • Delivery Hose : 4m
  • Case : Metal Base
  • Viscosity : 1000 cps
  • Accuracy : +/- 0.5%
  • Repeatibility : 0.3%
  • Warranty 2 Years ( Full Service & Spare Parts )
  • The Pump Must Not Run Dry.

Dispense Operation

  • Liter Preset Dispensing : Press “L/P”, choose L (Liter) to input the total volume you want to dispense, Press Start, the machine will automatically shut off the nozzle when the volume is the preset one.
  • Price preset dispensing : Press “L/P”, choose P (Price) to input the total price you want to dispense, Press Start, the machine will automatically shut off the nozzle when the price is the preset one.
  • Non-preset dispensing : Pick up the nozzle or press Start, the machine will start to the dispense , press stop to exit.

Setting Operation

  1. Coefficient adjustment
    When standby, press stop, then press L/P to keep 5 seconds, input the password 78787878, press L/P, then the keyboard shows the current coefficient (like the 1350 as below), clear it and input the coefficient that you need. Press Stop to exit. The smaller coefficient is the bigger amount of oil is in fact.
  2. Unit price adjustment
    When standby, press stop, then press L/P to keep 5 seconds , input the password 11223344 press L/P, the board will show the current unit price, press clear key and then input the unit price what you want.
  3. Total Query
    When standby, press stop, then press L/P to keep 5 seconds, input the password 55667788, press L/P shows recent 10 records of refuel and totalizer. L1 is the lastest dispensing amount. LC is the total liter, P1 is the latest dispensing account.. PC is the total price.
  4. Computer common failure inspection steps and elimination method.
    – When the sensor is faulting, pick up the nozzle and press start, but it failed. The keyboard shows E1.
    – The voltage is not stable, the battery is low. the keyboard shows the tip E2.
    – When the price pass 9900. XX for one time, stop the motor, the keyboard show E3 pick up the nozzle and press start, continue to dispense.
    – When liter passes 9900. XX for one time, stop the motor, the keyboard shows the tip E4. Pick up the nozzle and press start, continue to dispense.
    – When the coefficient is zero, the keyboard shows the tip E5.

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