Water In water Multicolor Spray Gun Prona SGD-R77

Function and Characteristics

  • Water In water multicolor spray gun is suitable for coating factory, the internal and external wall coating works.
  • It can use for later paint, metal paint, fluorocarbon paint, colorful paint, art paint, granite paint, stone like paint spraying etc.
  • Advantage : stable performance, not easy to damage the structure of water in water multicolor paint.

Specification Product :

Weight : 540 g

Fluid Nozzle Orifice : 1.2/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0

Air pressure : 1.0-3.5 bar (0.1-0.34 Mpa)

Air Consumption : 560 L/min

Spray Distance : 200-250 mm

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