Yamaha Generator EF5500FW a packed full of state of the art technology that not only guarantees high level performance in the various functions you hope for from a generator but also makes them outstanding in operability, economy and durability. And, to make sure that there is a Yamaha to fit all types and conditions of use, we offer a wide range of model variations, so you are certain to find just the right generator to fit your needs.
Get yourself a Yamaha and discover a new level of convenience and carefree use that only the most advanced technology in the industry can provide. A Yamaha generator will help make your work easier, more efficient and more creative

- 4-stroke OHV engine
Compact size, high power, low fuel consumption and low noise level. - Oil warning system
Engine stops automatically when oil level (pressure) has fallen below the prescribed level. - Auto decompressor
Light recoil starting. - Fuel gauge
Fuel level confirmation at a glance. - Electric starter
Easier starting. - Brushless generator
Maintainance free. - Circuit breaker
Easier ‘on’ & ‘off’ of AC output with circuit breaker. - Auto choke
Easier starting - Voltmeter
Voltage confirmation at a glance. - Frame
Easy to carry & solid protection.
Spesifikasi Yamaha Generator EF5500FW :
- Voltase/ Frekuwensi ( V/Hz ) : 220/ 50
- Output ( KVa ) : 3.8
- Output Maksimum ( KVa ) : 4.6
- Pengatur Tegangan : Condenser
- Tipe Mesin : MZ 360
- Kapasitas Mesin : 358 cc
- Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar : –
- Jam Pemakaian : 12.5/12 Jam ( FW/EFW )
- Tingkat Kebisingan : 70.7 dBa/7m
- Berat Bersih : 80/90 Kg ( FW/EFW )
- Dimensi : 670x535x565 mm