Pump MCKARLEN HI-200/HI-400

Pump MCKARLEN HI-200/HI-400 builds in Aqua Intelligent Program ( AIP ) with the integrated flow and pressure switch as the discreet program. The attentive design L-Shape Stand can fix the pump on the ground or wall mount. There are three running mode for the critical situation to protect the pump.

The smart design ensure the pump to operate normally at all times.


  • Roof Tank Water Booster
  • Pipe Water Booster
  • Gardening Water System
  • Circulator Pump
  • Filtration System
  • Liquid Temp. : 0 – 400C
  • pH Range : 6-8
  • Motor Insulation Class : B
  • Motor IP Rating : 54
  • Outlet : 1″

Pump MCKARLEN HI-200/HI-400

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